Restrictive eating and diet mentality: 4 ways you rein yourself in, at home and at work.

Restrictive eating and diet mentality: 4 ways you rein yourself in, at home and at work.

What are restrictive eating and diet mentality? In this episode of Hi Food, I’m Home! podcast, Laura Lloyd gives the food psychology view.

Why weight loss maintenance should be learned before you lose the pounds

Why weight loss maintenance should be learned before you lose the pounds

Patience is sexier than you think. It might seem like the kind of emotion women of yore used to painstakingly do embroidery by candlelight, but what if it’s actually the special sauce to your weight loss journey? Food Psychology Coach Laura Lloyd explains.

Mindful, conscious eating – Check in with your body while you eat.

Mindful, conscious eating – Check in with your body while you eat.

21 Micro Habits to Make Weight Loss Stick #3: Check in with your body while you eat. We say we ‘check out’ of our bodies while we eat. It sounds like Elvis Presley, saying “Elvis is leaving the building” when he left a hotel. Here, food...

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