Episode 10: Hi Food, I’m Home! podcast

Sometimes I feel impatient with my disordered eating. I shake my fists and ask the Universe: “When will eating be easy for me finally???”.

Many of my clients have that niggle too. They want to ‘break through’ and just cruise. To eat without a care in the world.

I’m Laura Lloyd, food psychology coach, weight loss life coach, and a recovered binge eater.

And in this episode, we take a look at what to expect from an eating psychology journey: Which parts get easier, which parts will realistically require attention.

You’ll learn:

🥑 Why the idea of ‘easy’ is so lynchpin important to your brain.  

🥑 Why your brain is wrong to over-emphasise this question of ‘when will eating be easy?’.

🥑 What an 11 year-old thinks about ‘easy’ tasks.

🥑 Which parts of your overeating behaviours you CAN expect to come more naturally to you over time; 


After the episode, you can listen to an audio meditation imagining the rewards of invested effort into your eating psychology.

Want to read some neuroscience about The Effort Paradox?

Read a paper on why sometimes we as humans DESIRE to make MORE effort.

Watch the video relating to this episode:

Believe in yourself as the person who evolves beyond overeating.

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The Stop After-work Overeating Roadmap

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