There’s something I want you to know about me, Laura Lloyd.

Something that makes me a uniquely valuable coach for someone like you.

Yes, I used to binge eat, and overeat too.

But that’s not all.

We likely also have personality traits in common.

Perfectionist. Ambitious. People-pleasing. Emotionally avoidant.

Don’t recognise these traits in yourself? Look closer.

These weren’t traits I used to recognise in myself either…

… before I realised that my eating was a byproduct of how I worked. 


Weight Loss Life Coach Laura Lloyd, habit change and addiction expert


High expectations of self.

High standards for others.

Tendency to go ‘all in’ or do nothing.


Seek external success.

Comparison to others.

Believes more effort = results. 


Longing for belonging.

Imagine others’ opinions.

Hungry for encouragement.


Emotionally avoidant

Love to work and be busy. 

Don’t notice many feelings at all. 

Feel mainly anxious. 




I’m not sure my colleagues at, or my university communications roles, or when I worked in theatre production, would have nailed me as a Type A personality either.

I wouldn’t have said I was perfectionist, because I worked hastily, hated double checking things, and was always 5 or 10 minutes late.

But the truth was, there was a perfectionist streak: I had very high internal standards for myself, and expected the same from others, often without even letting them know!



You see, it wasn’t until I discovered that my binge eating and overeating were side-effects of the try-hard, hustle-culture way I had created success, that I truly tackled my eating and overconsumption problems.

I grew up thinking I could do and become whatever I wanted, if I worked hard enough, right? I was ambitious, and I  had crazy high expectations of myself.

So why did I have all this private, shameful failure around food? Why was I binge eating, overeating?

I’d solved binge eating by my 20s, but I still hadn’t finished with food struggle.

What would it take for you to finish with your food fight and get on with your life?

In my 30s, I was doing a high-adrenaline job, and still eating emotionally – to procrastinate, to reward myself, to be a bit rock n’ roll and let loose.

So I set out to understand overeating from a new perspective.

There’s a lot of talk about ‘diet culture’ and how we rein ourselves in, and how that affects our eating psychology.

What’s unique about my work as a coach is that I have studied the flipside – how we push ourselves, and set ourselves crazy high expectations. 

I’m here to help you understand that how we do food, and our work ethic, are inextricably linked.

'How do I stop After-Work Overeating?'

This FREE 20-minute coaching video will teach you how.
  • You'll see the real thoughts and feelings that drive your after-work overeating.
  • You'll work quickly and effectively through the Stop Overeating Roadmap workbook.
  • You'll make a step by step plan to stop overeating and lose weight through habit change, not restrictive diets.
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You’re smart.

You’ve got goals. You’re creative – ‘cos you’ve already tried tackling your issues with body and food yourself.

Should be doable, right? Professionally, you’re sooo capable.

So why do you feel like you’re failing around food? Unable to do what you know is best for your weight, your body, and your sanity?

Doesn’t add up! But look closer, and you’ll see that it makes perfect sense.

It did in my case. Let me explain with this 3-minute video.

Certified by:

"Laura was my lifesaver.

Her eye-opening questions guided me to fight for myself".

"Laura transformed my life in ways I'd never dreamed of.

I was given skills to handle my depression in a more pro-active way. Comfort eating, numbing, avoidance issues and my sexuality".

"My food cravings disappeared.

Amazingly, I am not preoccupied with food any more. My weight went down too!"


"I could finally move on with my life".


testimonial Laura Lloyd eating psychology coach

"It really was an eye-opener!"


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The Stop After-work Overeating Roadmap

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