Self-love is self-connection. If you’re overeating, you need to understand yourself better.
Overeating and binge eating stop when we understand our eating psychology. The most accessible way is with guided pencil and paper exercises. But are you ready to actually work on yourself? Or are you just wishing your relationship with food were different?
Why do I overeat? Paradox alert! Because you rely on diet rules to keep you in check.
Food rules mostly* create overeating, even though they sound easy to follow. If you’re thinking ‘why do I overeat, when others don’t seem to’ – well, your diet or health rules and goals are setting you up for failure! And often, they pave...What to use for reward instead of sugar (This is a bit weird)
Reward circuitry in our brains is overworked by sugar. Understanding dopamine is crucial to getting a grip on this process, and quitting sugar cravings and addiction.
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