Hi Food, I’m Home! Episode 3.

Many of us, including me, have wondered if it’s possible to lose weight without dieting. Mainly, in my case, because I can’t enjoy dieting for long enough to sustain it, and not end with some kind of spectacular backlash of the bingey variety.

So let’s talk about weight loss, and how to achieve it if you need to lose weight without dieting. Or becoming a gym maniac. Or hating yourself.

Chickpea, listen in to this episode, and I’ll show you exactly what a weight-loss-without-dieting pathway looks like.

You’re going to find out:

  • How and why I was so determined to use my eating psychology tools to help with weight loss.
  • Why most of the world has only a surface-level view of habit change, that ignores the role of habitual thoughts and habitual emotional reactions.
  • Precisely what losing weight without dieting will look like for me.
  • Why my last baby had to contend with a lot of pretzel salt raining down while she was breastfeeding.

AND stay on until the end for the audio meditation:

  • Imagining what weight loss without dieting will look like for you.

You’ll join me Laura Lloyd, food psychology coach and work emotions specialist, as I stare into a very shonky crystal ball and receive precious information from The Unicorn of Losing Weight For the Last Time.


Geneen Roth, This Messy Magnificent Life

FREE visual guide: https://lauralloyd.coach/visual-guide

Lose weight without a diet visual guide


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