Episode 5: Hi Food, I’m Home! podcast

In this episode, eating psychology coach Laura Lloyd talks about 4 key ways we rein ourselves in during the day – psychologically, emotionally, and in our work lives – that can lead us to overeat or binge eat in the evening.

Because restrictive eating and diet mentality can be about living on rice cakes. But that’s only scraping the surface.

Although restrictive eating (a term coined in Lindo Bacon’s eye-opening book Health at Every Size) and ‘diet mentality’ (a term often used by practitioners of intuitive eating) encompass both how we limit ourselves to calorie-counts and make weight-loss focused choices, this episode takes a slightly above-and-beyond angle on restrictive eating. 

You’ll hear how restrictive eating and diet mentality aren’t just about what you put on your plate. Instead, restriction and deprivation are thought patterns.

You’ll hear how and why:

🥑 Our thinking can focus on deprivation or how much we ‘shouldn’t’ eat;

🥑 We assiduously rein in our emotions at work;

🥑 We suffer from scarcity thinking and think we ourselves are ‘not enough’ and don’t have enough of what we need in life. 

Listen in to recognise how restrictive eating and diet mentality have influenced your current emotional patterns and to discover how to let go. 

You’ll also hear Laura’s Cowgirl Diet song, hear how she took on her nemesis double crossin’ Cherry Crumble Kuchen, which is not to be missed.

Watch the video of the story behind this episode.

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